3:14 — Thursday, March 14th is Pi Day

Pi Day: A Mathematical Celebration of Pizza

March 14th has become synonymous with marketing delicious round comfort foods for the mathematical turned food holiday known as Pi Day. On this day, pizzerias, bakeries and many other vendors of round baked goods offer deals to commemorate the mathematical constant: “pi” (?) or “pie”.

What’s the true meaning of Pi Day? Piday.org sums up the occasion: “Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “?”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159.”

As you can see, it’s an easy jump to pizza. They are circular (except the ones that are square, oblong, oval or rustic). And what’s a better representation of the mathematical constant than pizza?

For pizzerias, Pi Day is an opportunity to kick up pizza promotions on a typical Thursday and grab some of the local limelight. Let your local media and influencers know what your pizzeria is doing to celebrate Pi Day.

Want to get creative Pi Day ideas, browse the #PiDay hashtag on Instagram.

Share your Pi Day celebration with us on social @PizzaToday.



The post 3:14 — Thursday, March 14th is Pi Day appeared first on Pizza Today.

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