10 Networking Tips for Pizza Expo

How to meet people to make the most of Pizza Expo

Networking is a key component of attending International Pizza Expo. When you are an industry veteran or a new operator, networking will be highlight of Pizza Expo.

Knowing how to network at trade shows doesn’t come easy to some people. That’s why I wanted to break down networking tips to help you meet people at Pizza Expo. Explore ways to network at the world’s largest pizza show. Here are 10 networking tips for Pizza Expo:

Start before you go. If there is an attendee, speaker or exhibitor you want to meet. Start a dialog now and set something up. We’ve made that process easy with a Matchmaking program. With our new matchmaking platform, attendees and suppliers alike will be able to search for each other, send direct messages, and schedule meetings. Go to Pizza Expo Match now. 
Don’t wait until you hit the show floor to start conversations. Pizza Expo attendees and exhibitors will be everywhere — on your plane, at the airport and in your hotels. Engage with people outside of the convention center.
Monday provides the perfect opportunity to talk one-on-one with other attendees and speakers before the rush of the show floor opening Tuesday. Make the most of that time.
Go to the New Operator/Early Arriving Attendees Reception on Monday and Beer and Bull Idea Exchange Tuesday. Everyone there is ready to meet and mingle.
Get to the Keynotes early and sit by someone you have never met before and start a conversation. It may just be the best contact you make at the show.
Same goes for seminars and demonstrations. Strike up conversations with those around you.
Want to meet a speaker? Do it! Speakers often stick around after their talks to answer questions.
The competition areas are an optimal place for conversation to discuss everyone’s favorite topic, pizza. There will be a crowd of people to interact with.
Yes, hang out with your team or pizza people you’ve missed but don’t forget to venture out on your own and meet new people.
Finally, come to the Pizza Today booth #317 and meet us! There will also be plenty of pizzeria pros there to be on The Hot Slice Podcast. That should be you, too.

We hope these networking tips for Pizza Expo will help you make the most of your show experience. Have a great show. We’ll see you in Las Vegas.


The post 10 Networking Tips for Pizza Expo appeared first on Pizza Today.

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